Our income

You may be surprised to learn that much of our income is from items you may have in your own home!

When Nobert Wiesen established the Foundation, he endowed it with shares in the family business, Wittington Investments.

Today Wittington Investments has a wide range of interests in hotels, property and retail. It owns the Richmond Hill Hotel, and the iconic store Fortnum & Mason in London.

Wittington’s largest investment is in ABF and it is the majority shareholder. ABF makes some of the best-known brands in the UK including Primark, Twinings, Kingsmill, Ovaltine, Ryvita, and Patak’s.

It’s no exaggeration to say that in any household in the UK you’re likely to find one or more of ABF’s products in a kitchen cupboard or wardrobe. It’s ordinary, everyday things like bread, tea and affordable clothing that enable the Foundation to donate over £100 million to charities each year.

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