Concerns and Complaints Policy
Where might complaints about the Foundation come from?
Complaints may come from applicants, grant holders, strategic partners, suppliers or contractors. This policy does not cover complaints about Foundation employees, which are handled in accordance with the Foundation’s comprehensive Staff Handbook.
We handle all complaints sensitively and in confidence. We only share information with those who need to know and by following relevant data protection requirements.
Responsibility for this policy and its implementation lies with the Foundation’s Director, and ultimately with the Trustees.
Resolving complaints
Our complaints process aims to resolve complaints as soon as possible. The three-stage process allows for escalation, if your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction:
Stage 1. Contact the person in question
In the first instance, please let the person in question know of any concerns you have, and they will do their best to resolve this swiftly. If this is not resolved to your satisfaction, or if your complaint is in relation to the person concerned, please do the following:
Stage 2. Submit your complaint to our Director
Please submit your concern in writing via email to for the attention of our Director. Please include any relevant documents or correspondence. Please do so as swiftly as possible so we can address concerns promptly for you.
We also accept postal communications via:
Nobert Wiesen Foundation
Weston Centre
10 Grosvenor Street
London W1K 4QY
Our Director will investigate the case themselves or instruct a suitable person to do so. We will be in touch directly to introduce ourselves to you and let you know when you can expect a response. The person handling your complaint will discuss the matter with all those involved, where appropriate.
We except to provide a definitive response within four weeks. If this is not possible for any reason (if, for example, an investigation has not concluded), we will send a progress report. This will indicate when a full reply will be given.
The final reply to the complaint will describe:
- Action taken to investigate the complaint
- Conclusions from the investigation
- Key actions (if any) taken as a result of the complaint
Stage 3. Escalation to the Chair of Trustees
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you can ask that it is reviewed at Board level. At this stage, the Chair of the Board of Trustees will receive the complaint. The Chair may investigate the case themselves or instruct a suitable person to do so. This may involve reviewing the case’s paperwork. It may also involve speaking with the person who dealt with the complaint in previous stages.
We aim to respond to stage three complaints within six weeks. If this is not possible (for example if an investigation has not concluded), we will send a progress report. This will indicate when a full reply will be given.
Whether or not the complaint is upheld, our final response will describe:
- Action taken to investigate the complaint
- Conclusions from the investigation
- Key actions (if any) taken as a result of the complaint
The decision at this stage is final.
Monitoring and learning from complaints
Our Trustees meet formally nine times a year. This provides regular opportunities to review any concerns or complaints received, and to take any action required.
What do do if you have a concern or complaint about a grant holder
Nobert Wiesen Foundation does not deal with concerns or complaints about individual grant holders as we would expect them to manage any issues you may have directly with you. If you have concerns about a charity that the Foundation may be funding, please follow the relevant Charity Commission or appropriate regulator’s advice (eg OFSTED).
If any of our grant holders are reported to their relevant charity commission (or similar regulatory body), they are obliged to report this to us as part of the terms and conditions of accepting our grant. We will then keep matters under review.