Get Further

Without the ‘gateway’ qualifications of maths and English GCSEs, young people are nine times more likely to be Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET). Get Further bridges this gap by placing highly trained English and maths tutors in Further Education settings. They deliver a bespoke curriculum that builds confidence and skills in these core subjects.
The charity’s approach is proven to work: in 2021/22, of the students attending 12 or more tuition sessions, the maths GCSE pass rate was more than double the national average, and its English pass rate was almost 40% higher than the national average.
From a small pilot in 2018, the charity has grown to support over 1,200 students in London, Yorkshire and the East of England. Having seen the education gap grow as a result of Covid-19 and the cost-of-living-crisis, Get Further has ambitions to expand further to support 3,000 students per year and to enter new partnerships in the North West and West Midlands. This growth will mean doubling the charity’s pool of tutors and investing in its core costs.
Support from the Nobert Wiesen Foundation has been integral in enabling us to scale up our provision across the country and reach the young people who need us most. With the Foundation's continued support, we are ambitious to reach another 3,000 students this academic year.
Get Further works with a range of partners to help strengthen the sector, an approach which we appreciate. The charity’s funding application to us outlined a very clear and robust income generation strategy to underpin its growth. It told us about the relevant skills and experience of the charity’s leadership team and included good case studies which showed the progress of its students: elements which helped to give us the confidence to make a funding commitment over two years to support its growth.